This Week at Neatorama

Something neat happened just yesterday. I found out that Michael Rousselet, the aspiring screenwriter who figured prominently in the story of The Worst Movie of All Time? is one of the guys behind 5-second Films, which we featured on Neatorama last spring. They produce a new 5-second film every weekday! He wrote to say (among other things):
Wow! I can't thank you enough for that Neatorama article! It is by far the most accurate account I have read of the beginning of the cult movement.

I don't believe this, but is this article actually in a book?

Yes, that would be Uncle John's Heavy Duty Bathroom Reader, the newest in the series. Here's what else happened this week at Neatorama.

Also from the Bathroom Reader, we had a list of Unobtaniums, which are elements, chemicals, and other materials only found in fiction.

Jill Harness brought us Strange Stories Of The World's Most Famous Sleuth, meaning Sherlock Holmes, of course.

From the Annals of Improbable Research, we had the highly improbable article Bodybuilders Have Tiny Testes.

And from our friends at mental_floss magazine, it's a look at "Snake Oils, Hangover Cures, and Other Questionable Medicine" in Hooked on Tonics.

Steven M. Johnson gave us a double dose on Friday, with Missed Opportunities in Bicycle Design? in the Museum of Possibilities, and an article in The New York Times featuring his designs for a new kind of taxi cab.

In the What Is It? game, the scary-looking item is a “A corn husk shredder, it was used for making mattresses” It took 72 guesses before Julia Ross gave us the correct answer! The funniest answer selected was from D.Spencer, who said “It was attached to the inside wall of the outhouse and used to hold the sears and roebuck catalogue so that it wouldn’t blow out when the door was opened on windy days.” Both win t-shirts from the NeatoShop!

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