A sheitel is a specific type of wig worn by Orthodox Jewish women. Helen Rosen of Baltimore took up an apprenticeship with a master craftsman of sheitels. She eventually moved to Peru to set up her own shop. Peruvian women, she found, have the best hair for this type of wigmaking:
You can read her story at the link. The site design is unusual. It scrolls from left to right, and the scrolling buttons appear plus and minus signs on the sides of the page.
Link via Kottke | Photo by Flickr user The Gifted Photographer used under Creative Commons license
Helene says that the ample selection of hair colors and textures in South America -- the result of more than twenty-five generations of intermarriage between Europeans and indigenous people -- make it the ideal source region. The hair of indigenous Peruvian women is thick, straight, and black-perfect for the lace-front wigs sought by black women, who have come to represent the majority of Helene's business -- and is worn in two braids that often stretch all the way down their backs and are plaited with tassels made from Alpaca wool.
You can read her story at the link. The site design is unusual. It scrolls from left to right, and the scrolling buttons appear plus and minus signs on the sides of the page.
Link via Kottke | Photo by Flickr user The Gifted Photographer used under Creative Commons license
Ooooo don't show your real hair or someone might think you're sexy (baffles me how religion is so anti-reproductive, seems very counter survival to the species).
So buy a fake wig for thousands of dollars that looks like real hair so that you can meet the letter of the "religion law" and still look sexy.
Cause you know your God (although all powerful) is easily fooled by mortal tricks and will never be able to tell the difference right?