Photographer Gabriela Herman took an extensive series of portrait photos of bloggers in their native habitats, such as Ruben Natal-San Miguel (above). Her selections prompted Gizmodo's Kyle Van Hemert to ask "Why are all these bloggers so hot?" It really shouldn't be surprising. But, anyway, the photographer's selection process was quite appropriate for her subject matter:
“I believe bloggers are connecting us, bringing us closer,” she says, “allowing for an interactive platform, a two-way dialogue that allows for both online and offline relationships to form.” For her, Herman says, blogs are a “comfort” and her “go-to source for information.”
Appropriately, Herman’s method for finding her subjects mimics the subject she’s documenting. Following each shoot, Herman asked the sitter to recommend someone on his or her blog roll as her next subject. The series of portraits began to mirror the tentative web links between the subjects and their online activity.
Link via Gizmodo | Photographer's Website