What To Do When the Mic Goes Out

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At a Norfolk Admirals hockey game, 8-year-old Elizabeth Hughes was doing a bang-up job on "The Star-Spangled Banner" when her microphone quit working. Listen to what happened next. -via reddit

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I'm sorry, but anyone criticizing the crowd for not singing from the beginning is a slack jaw, an elitist, or some amalgamation of the two. You listen to the performer sing the song. The crowd shouldn't drown out that person, regardless if it's an adult or a cute and talented kid. Go choke on your cynicism. Who the hell growls at a video of a little girl singing beautifully and then supported by the crowd when a technical glitch threatens to ruing a wonderful and patriotic moment, thereby making it that much more patriotic and wonderful?
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This reminds me of Forrest Gump when he stood before a sea of people to talk about his war experience and the mic stopped working. People still cheered him on. Thats patriotism for you.
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The National Anthem here in England is a godforsaken awful funeral dirge I hope to never hear again. We really really need a new anthem...kudos to the kid. That takes guts.
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Like nobuzz, I thought the same thing - here in Canada most people sing the national anthem when the opportunity arises.

However, if that's not generally the case in America, then it was very sweet to hear the audience join in and support the little girl (great voice, little girl!).
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