Archive for January 12th, 2011

Cayetano Ferrer's Ghostly Images

American artist Cayetano Ferrer (previously featured here) creates seemingly translucent images by placing realistic photographs of backgrounds on solid objects. So what you're looking at above is actually a box cov...

How to Make Motorcycle Models from Cigarette Lighters

It's possible to use the just the components of a cigarette lighter to make a rather realistic model of a motorcycle. YouTube user Tysteriskians has a nicely-detailed instructional video on the craft. Link (NSFW...

Why Is the Eiffel Tower Still Standing?

The Eiffel Tower, built in 1889, was a temporary structure. It was supposed to last only 20 years before being demolished. But Paris kept it, long, long past its design life. Why has it been so durable? Scientists ar...

Baby Elephant Frolicking on the Beach

(Video Link) Adorable baby elephant is adorable. This scene was shot in Phuket, Thailand. via Geekosystem | Previously: A Celebration of Elephantselephants...

You Could Run a Complete Marathon on the World's Longest Bridge

The now-completed Qingdao Haiwan Bridge over Jiaozhou Bay in China is 26.4 miles long. It's three miles longer than the Lake Pontchartrain Causeway in Louisiana, the previous holder of the world record for the longest b...

The Most Amazing Press Release Ever Written

Press releases are one of the necessary evils of the information business. There are way too many, and they all start to look the same after you've gone through a dozen or so, but they do convey information -sometimes im...

Chocolate Calculator

Chocolate Calculator - $5.95 Nothing says Happy Valentine's Day like chocolate. The problem is chocolate is fattening.  If you give your valentine some chocolate she might complain that you are trying to make her fat...

Snow Present in 49 of the 50 U.S. States

Right now there is snow present in 49 of the 50 U.S. states: After big snow and ice events in the Southeast, Plains, and Midwest this week, 49 out of the 50 states currently have snow on the ground – yes, even...


(YouTube link) This French video shows an interview with a clairvoyant. The word clairvoyant comes from the French words for "see clearly". -via Arbroathparanormal, clairvoyance, ESP, clairvoyant...

The Lost and Found Frogs of Haiti

One year ago today, a devastating earthquake shook Haiti. An expedition from Conservation International went to Haiti in October to see how the forest ecosystem was affected. Amphibian Conservation Officer Dr. Robin Moor...

Strange Stories Of The World's Most Famous Sleuth

I’ve always enjoyed an occasional Sherlock Holmes story, but it wasn’t until I took a class on the subject that I learned just how strange many of the tales are. From crazed Mormons to ape men to vampires, Co...

Cactus Music

(Video Link) Yes, a cactus is a playable instrument. This video shows a person playing a jazzy tune on one while accompanied by a piano. Google Translate is having trouble with the website, but apparently the cact...

Oven/Lounge Chair

Etsy seller WayOutHere turned an old oven into a functional lounge chair. The bottom drawer is opened to support the seat and the stove top turns into an ottoman. It's for sale to people who can pick it up from the...

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