Woman Discovers World's First Orange Alligator

A woman in Venice, Fl, has discovered what appears to be the world's first orange alligator. Sylvia Mythen was returning home from work when she snapped this picture to send to her grandkids.

While some biologists believe the gator may be half albino, experts with the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission believe the animal’s odd color is the result of paint or stain that spilled into its habitat.

Link | Photo by Sylvia Mythen

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This is not the first "orange gator" photo. Another one was taken in Texas before this one. In the Texas photo you can see the gator lying in a small pool of water at the mouth of a rusty metal culvert pipe. I believe that pic explains the origin of both orange gators. The one in Florida was taken AFTER the gator swam away from whatever rusty object it came in contact with that left the stain all over it's body, but BEFORE the rust stains faded away and left the gator looking normal again.

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There is no such thing as being half albino. The gator could have some sort of other albinism like pigmentation deficiency or could possibly be partially albino but orange is never really a color attributed to albinism. I would probably say it was an outside source or pigmentation issue.
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