16-year old Tove Sjöholm captured this amazing shot in Mute, Sweden. A spooked female moose jumped in such a way that it looked like it was jumping over a car. Here's Google Translate's rendering of a news article on the event:
It is not unusual for family Sjöholm, who lives in Mute outside Rolfstorp, is visited by the king of the forest in his garden. Tove has a certain respect for the powerful animals.
"Sometimes they stand and nibble on our apple tree. I've always been inside the house when I saw them. They are quite large and tend to be close to the house, so I had been outside, I had perhaps been a little afraid, "she says.
Link via Jalopink
It is a cool photo of a moose jumping tho. I don't think I've ever seen a moose jump like that!
I bet the driver was happy the moose hauled ass out of the way... Hitting a moose can be a lethal accident. Look at the comparative sizes of the moose vs car – and the car is closer to the camera! Good lord.
Well done to the photographer, whoever you are!