The New $100 Bill

The newly redesigned US $100 bill is more colorful than any US currency you've seen. There a lot of new security features to impede counterfeiting, including a blue ribbon embedded in the front with a watermark, a color-shifting bell, raised printing, tiny printed words in tiny spots, and more. Note: actual bills will not have a "specimen" watermark as this picture has. Take a tour of the differences at NewMoney, a government website devoted to US currency. Link -via J-Walk Blog

Unfortunately, A new headache may have been created for US and international currency use as it has been determined that a flaw was created in the printing of up to 30% of all new $100.00 bills scheduled for distribution in 2011.

In a new report by CNBC today, an official familiar with the problem reported that the new $100 bills are so complex that the printers at the mint have experienced massive problems in the creation of the notes.

A significant production problem with new high-tech $100 bills has caused government printers to shut down production of the new notes and to quarantine more than one billion of the bills in huge vaults in Fort Worth, Texas and Washington, DC, CNBC has learned.
Abusive comment hidden. (Show it anyway.) looks as if I am watching Headline News with anchorman Benjamin Franklin. Hmmmmm Maybe it exposes an anti counterfeiting measure by CNN.
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US currency comes storming into the 20th century.

Thing I do not understand is why are all bills the same colour and the same size?

Blind people use size to denote bill value , visually impaired use colour and size.

Here in Australia the notes are bright colours different sizes and plastic.

All of these features help when you are blind drunk.
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