Aflockalypse? More Dead Birds, This Time From Sweden

It's getting creepy. First, it was Arkansas, then Louisiana ... now birds are dropping dead out of the skies over Sweden:

To add to the mystery, 50-100 jackdaws, a bird species in the crow family, fell dead in central Sweden late Tuesday night, English-language Swedish news website The Local reported Wednesday.
"We do not know what the cause is," Skovde police commander Tomas Ahlgren said. The birds fell in the city of Falkoping, which is southeast of Skovde.

But conspiracy theorists beware: mass deaths by birds are actually quite common (the US Geological Service's National Wildlife Health Center website listed 90 in the last 6 months alone) and the culprit is usually something mundane: military death ray, er, I mean bacterial infection.

Link (Photo: Bjorn Larsson Rosvall)

'But conspiracy theorists beware: mass deaths by birds are actually quite common (the US Geological Service’s National Wildlife Health Center website listed 90 in the last 6 months alone)'

My thoughts exactly...I was researching how often this occurs.

The combination of media hype, new year apocalyptic doom, close proximity between incidents (and now widspread incidence) made this story what it is.

This reminds me of a story I read a while back involving mass hysteria.

Windshield pitting incidents in Washington reach fever pitch on April 15, 1954.
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In a Swedish newspaper today the autopsy report of a bird said it a suffered blunt trauma (been hit by a truck, according to the truckdriver who said he had run over/through the flock of birds) and died from internal bleeding.
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One of the conspiracy theories was emailed to me today. The special assistant to the secretary of the Air Force has been found murdered; his career focused on biological and chemical weapons sprayed from aircraft. And the Arkansas kill was near Pine Bluff Arsenal, which received thousands of tons of phosgene from Iraq...

The rest of the story is in the European Union Times -
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I researched how often this happens as well. Most websites say 163 cases a year or 90 in *8, EIGHT* months.... not 6. Christ, articles keep changing numbers. Aside from that break it down. 90 in eight months is 11.25 reports a month, we've had 30+ in two weeks let alone 10+ in the US in two weeks. 163 a year... okay so 163 divided by 12 is 13.58. so 13-14 a month. we've had 30+ in two weeks. They said that 90 is under calculated so double that number 180 a year. that's 15 in a month.... Soooooo my conclusion is that it's not adding up. even 90 in six months is 15 a month.

Also, fireworks startling birds is not going to cause 3000 to crash at the same time in the same area. People said that it was one bird leading a flock. They have poor night sight and startled. They fly off, not in a flock. Ever shoot a gun or throw some fireworks or see a crow cannon? They do NOT fly off in flocks.

Several reports have stated that the reason 90 is so low is because they happen in underpopulated areas or out in the middle of nowhere. A lot of these reports are coming in from populated towns and roadways which would make these events uncommon. So how many do you think we're missing in other areas of the world? Are the 30+ reported under calculated as well?

We've had mass media for years now. Youtube was created in 05, chat rooms and IRC came about in the early 90 with it getting popular in the next few years, Social networking sites in the mid to late 90's with myspace in 02, facebook in 04, and the internet itself was used since the 60's becoming commercially available in 1992 with a service provider called delphi. It was however being used before this

maybe it's not the end of the world, a government plot, or HAARP, or aliens. Denying something odd is ignorant of facts.
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