Homeless Man Has Amazing Radio Voice

(Video Link)

Ted Williams, a homeless man in Columbus, Ohio, has become an Internet sensation. He has an outstanding voice -- like that of a professional radio announcer. Today, redditors led the charge to get Mr. Williams back on his feet, and he's already been scheduled for local radio appearances. You can read the details at Urlesque.

Performer's Website (under construction) via Urlesque

As someone who just helped cast a short film I can tell you voice over work doesn't come cheep. If this guy charged half what the guy we hired did he could buy all the meth he would ever need.
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Noone hates/decries/mocks YouTube comments more than I do, but I thought this one was interesting:

"I know this creep. He was with my kids grandma, had her doing alot of bad things and even hurt her. He is very smart and manipulative, but he really is a bad person.. He doesn't deserve anything? from anyone!! I seriously DOUBT he's clean... He used to pimp out my ex mother in law for crack, but deserves this because of his voice? I am saddened by this whole thing.."

The comment may be inaccurate/fake etc, but it seems too precise to be a random troll. I'm not trying to disrespect Mr. Williams here; just posting the comment for future reference after we hear how things work out for him in the future.
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Well, to be honest, we don't know much about him other then his tallent from a very short video. I'm glad he's getting a chance to fix up is life and if it's proven that he has wronged in the past, the internet will be watching him to see if he makes an effort to make things right with this second chance.
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@CH - Exactly, there's someone in the comment section of EVERY youtube video who claims he knows the people in the video personally and/or is related to them blahblah. XD
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Looks like it worked. The Cleveland Cavaliers have offered him a job and NFL films seems to be looking in him for some work as well

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People do and can change. I hope that things work out for him and that he can make good on any past wrongs. Everyone deserves a second, and third chance, who are we to say he hasn't changed. We can't just write off everybody when they make mistakes. Look at all the politicans who we voted for and are now ousted from office because of things that came to light. How about some positive fedback for once. Don't surround yourself with negative people.
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