LEGO artist Peer Kreuger made the Stilzkin Indrik, a remarkably strong and agile vehicle that can pull heavy loads over snow. Could any reader translate the Russian text for us?
???????? ?????? is simply Stilzkin Indrik. Stilzkin is a fictional company, and Indrik is the name of a Russian mythical beast. ?????? (the barrels on the first sled) means 'fuel'. ????? (the barrels on the second sled) means 'Vodka'.
The opening and closing title simply says "Stilzkin Indrik" (the label on the side of the vehicle says "Stilzkin". One set of containers is labeled "vodka" ("?????"). Other containers say "??????" which means "fuel".
The Russian text is simply a transliteration of the vehicle name's into Cyrillic. The labels on the barrels say "FUEL" (although, for some reason, in Ukrainian (palivo) rather than Russian (toplivo)) and "VODKA".
?????? (the barrels on the first sled) means 'fuel'.
????? (the barrels on the second sled) means 'Vodka'.
Artist's web site: