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AT&T produced this documentary about what happens when overconfident drivers think they can multitask -sending text messages while driving. It's not worth it. -via Metafilter
(YouTube link)
AT&T produced this documentary about what happens when overconfident drivers think they can multitask -sending text messages while driving. It's not worth it. -via Metafilter
Comments (25)
There are plenty of things that can kill you while driving. Not wearing seat belt. DUI. Messing with the radio. Some people.
I use to text and drive a bit where I live but now it is against the law to do so and if caught you are charged.
It doesn't matter what you're capable of. Just because you *can* do something, doesn't mean it's right. You may not harm yourself, but what about innocent lives that are taken by your carelessness? People picked at random for your "culling"?
I was hit by a car this year at 2:00pm, in bright clothes, while walking down the street. I was at a one-way crosswalk traveling parallel to the traffic on the drivers side. The crosswalk sign flashed, giving me the right of way, and I began crossing. I was hit from behind from a turning car halfway through the crosswalk. If I had not landed the way I did on the pavement, he would have rolled over my arm, leg, or maybe both. If I had been two feet ahead of where I was, I might be dead right now.
To my knowledge this driver was not texting.
People already lack awareness as-is. Add alcohol or texting to the mix and you get terrible things.
I am sure everyone that has been in an accident involving texting felt exactly the same way as you do before they were in an accident.
What did we do without cell phones years ago?
"Oh well, THEY deserved it b/c they couldn't multi-task, but I do it ALL the time with no problem."
Uh huh, I'm sure that's exactly what those people thought as well right before they were killed, or killed someone else.
It is an actual attitude. People think the same way about drinking and driving, about taking drugs, or having unprotected sex.
You always think the bad stuff will happen to someone else, especially when you're young and think you're invincible.
I'll try not to laugh when he plows into a wall while masterfully texting something deep and meaningful like "lol hey my rash got better". I just hope this idiot doesn't harm anyone else when it happens.
Remember landlines in everyone's home? Letter writing? A lot less mental masturbation and vapid mentations-Everyone with a cellphone and more people on Facebook than Google???....Welcome to modern society's de-evolution. The mindless pursuit of time-wasting, hollow, mundane interaction with one another.
Every time I think of the film, "Idiocracy" I say to myself, "Give that scenario about 20-30 years"..My children may live to see the first Buttfucker's hamburger restaurant open. (reaches for Brawndo, drinks down in one swallow)
Don't sweat the naysayers, I was banned from Videosift accused of trolling, among other things-Quite simply, when you ruffle someone's feathers with common sense scenarios and matter-of-fact too often, you are bound to find the few emotionally-needy who passive-aggressively feed their own egos by alienating those few independent thinkers who have more self-esteem and awareness to work with.
However, texting while driving is insane....seen collisions and near collisions too many times to count, and folks who do it are usually addicts and idiots...
You forgot to mention people changing their pants while driving. Among all the stupid things people do while driving, texting is still an unnecessary distraction no matter how good you are at it. It’s this self allowances and ignoring of possibilities which contributes to accidents happening.
There should be SERIOUS jail time for texting while driving. Serious.
I have seen people using their phone while driving, and their driving suffers. I have used a phone while inside a car, and have no idea how I could possibly drive safely while using that phone. It's like reading a book.
Yes, there are a million possible distractions, but this is one that is happening a lot because of people who think they can do it safely. That's the reason for the video, even if you think it's melodramatic. I don't know if I'd call defending a dangerous practice a common-sense scenario.
Being a "good driver" doesn't mean you don't get into an accident. It also means you don't CAUSE any accidents.
Besides, if I'm driving, I'm bizzy. Leave a message and I'll call you back. I got better stuff to do besides say "LOL" and flip my damn vehicle into a semi because you're talking about last night's date.
and Elnots: that's so impressive that you could send texts on the old analog cell phones from the 90s!