The Most Heroic Animals of 2010

The Daily Beast collected stories of animal heroism from the past year that might make you a bit teary-eyed. The story of Angel the golden retriever is an example.
Eleven-year-old Austin Foreman was gathering firewood near his home in Boston Bar, British Columbia, when he came face to face with a cougar. When the wild cat lunged at him, his Golden Retriever, Angel, stepped in. She put herself between Austin and the cougar, giving him time to escape to the house. The cougar viciously attacked Angel, carrying her around by the neck while Austin’s mother called 911. Police arrived just in time to shoot the cougar, and after a few moments of suspense, Angel coughed back to life. She had several puncture wounds and a punctured sinus cavity, but she made a full recovery.

See a video report about Angel and read about the other heroic animals in a slide show. Link -via Nag on the Lake

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Some of these are making me sad. Like the dog Target that stopped a suicide bomber. It was brought over here, escaped from its owners yard and was 'accidently' put to sleep. UGH
Or the cat distracting the pitbulls and the judge ordering the dogs to be put to sleep.
Just depressing as hell.
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It's a fine example all right, it's a fine example of putting human attributes on dumb animals.

Dogs attack cats - there's NO WAY of knowing if it was millions of years of evolutionary instinct or the warm fuzzies that Lassie had for Timmy.
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