Victor Lopez, Farris Hodo, and Kevin Coon set a Guinness World Record by watching television for a full 86 hours, 6 minutes, and 41 seconds. They were allowed a ten minute break every two hours, but otherwise had to stay awake watching TV the whole time. These three men were the only successful contestants among an original 100 who were challenged to watch the entire run of the TV show 24:
Link via Ace of Spades HQ | Photo: Dan Steinberg / 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
But the bizarre couch potato feat was no walk in the park.
Just ask Raul Valle, 23, a contestant who attempted the challenge but was only able to hang on for 36 hours.
Valle told AOL News that the task wasn't all that difficult at first, but as the hours dragged on, his focus began to fade.
"The biggest issue was drinking water or coffee and then having to go to the bathroom right away. We had to wait for a break and couldn't just go whenever we wanted. I was just getting over the flu, too, so that didn't help. If I hadn't been sick, I think I could've lasted longer. I wish I had," Valle lamented.
Link via Ace of Spades HQ | Photo: Dan Steinberg / 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
Newest 3 Comments
No way I could do this. I have to move around often to pee and stuff. ;P
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Um, i've done way more than that, all it takes is about an ounce of pot and the entire buffy the vampire slayer dvd set. not impressive.
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So, we are now rewarding people for watching TV? pathetic. Is it any wonder why this country is so screwed up?
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