Vincenzo Cosenza created a series of maps tracking the most popular social networks around the world over the past year and a half. This month's map is above. Consenza writes:
Zuckerberg’s creature continues to gain users around the world (almost 600 millions). Since June 2010 Facebook has stolen new important nations from local, previously strong, competitors (in 115 out of 132 countries analyzed it is market leader) especially in Europe. In particular:
- From Iwiw: Hungary
- From Nasza-Klasa: Poland
- From Hi5: Mongolia
- From Orkut (Google): Paraguay and India. Orkut remains the first social network in Brasil.
In Japan Mixi is still the most used web-based social network (Ameba that I previously mentioned it’s not a pure social networking site, but also a portal/blog-hosting provider). But if we look to mobile social networks usage the leader is Gree followeb by Mobage Town.
Link via Geekosystem
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I guess MySpace really is dead.
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