Food Delivered in Underground Tubes

Considering the pollution and congestion on our roads, could it be time for the return of pneumatic tubes for deliveries? A British project called Foodtubes proposed that a network of high-speed pipelines be built underneath the United Kingdom to deliver food shipments from source to city.
The food would sail along in small capsules at upwards of 60 miles per hour. As many as 900,000 capsules could be in circulation in the nearly 2,000 miles of air pressure pipe, all of which would be controlled by smart grids that would keep food from crashing into each other. To give some semblance of order, the capsules would generally be organized into little trains of about 300 linked capsules, each spaced about a meter apart.

Now, this idea might seem a little nutty - I'll admit it seems rather fanciful. But the people behind Foodtubes point out the UK transports 180 times more water than food everyday, and all of that is done using pipelines with minimal pollution and no traffic jams.

Up to 200,000 food-carrying trucks could be taken off British roads, which would save 40 million tons of carbon dioxide from being released into the atmosphere.

Link -Thanks, Marilyn Terrell!

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the robot overlords don't need to transport food at all. Unless they eat humans, of course. And they can do THAT above ground.
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seriously, the "human cost"?
i think if you would ask several millions of people in regions affected by the consequences of global warming - and 40 million tons of carbon dioxide is quite a respectable number in that respect - they would prefer "being alive" to "being unemployed" any time.
and nobody said anything about the food having to be liquid. transport-capsules would hold anything from apples to zucchini, and 60mph would not harm it anymore than a truck-drive.
i am sure at some point in time people considered "water out of the kitchen wall via pipes" an unusual idea, gas-pipelines for your heating were downright crazy, and electricity and internet - don't even get me started on how crazy THAT is.
why stop at food-transportation? all kinds of goods could be transported in much more efficient ways than trucks.
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Destroy, create jobs, whatever. Isn't it true that in a free market, changing the way business is done will always result in refactoring of work positions? If old ways of doing things aren't supplanted by better, more efficient ways simply because of "jobs destruction," then we'd still have horse drawn buggies and buggy whips. It's rather absurd to think that anyone owes those peoples those jobs, or that people working in the shipping industry are completely incapable of finding new work.
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