The Father of the Yield

The sign on the highway that tells you to yield to oncoming traffic is not as old as you might think. Oklahoma police officer Clinton Riggs came up with the "yield" sign in 1950, which spread from its birthplace in Tulsa to all corners of the US.
It was during his time as a trooper that Riggs conceived the idea of the “yield” sign, and he began developing it while attending Chicago’s Northwestern Traffic Institute in 1939.

He spent more than a decade experimenting with the sign, according to the Tulsa Police Department’s history book. His goal was a sign that would not only control traffic at an intersection but would also attach liability in a collision if one driver failed to yield.

The sign was a hit, especially among women.
...engineers in Dallas were pleasantly surprised by how grateful women were for the signs, the article said. Some women were apparently afraid to stop at night, so a yield sign helped them feel safe from roadside prowlers.

Until today, the only thing I knew about "yield" signs was that old joke with the punch line, "Of course I yield! I yield and yield, but they kept coming anyway!" Link -Thanks, Michael Mason!

Yield Right Of Way seems far too wordy. The British "Give Way" says it better and more briefly. Brevity is not only the soul of wit, but important in a road sign.
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But the former can be shortened (obviously) to "yield", which is better and more brief yet. "Give Way" makes no sense in any shorter form.
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