The 25 Greatest Internet Memes of 2010

Ah, the memories of a year chock-full of useless and incomprehensible things to occupy your time. These are the internet memes of 2010, causing a laugh or two as they fly around the web. If by chance you've missed any of them, you can become familiar with all 25 before someone calls you out as a n00b. If you are familiar with them, it's a chance to relive the greats, or maybe not-so-greats of the past year. Link -Thanks, Joanne Chu!

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yes you are bad at the internet

most of these are pure 4chan...and most have been around way longer than this year...but i guess they just recently hit the mainstream
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Never heard of most of these, including #1. Does this mean I'm a poor internet user, or just that I have a life? (I don't, but it's fun to dream)

Like the modified Jesus posters though, they make much more sense that way. :)
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