JalapeƱo peppers rate about 2,500 to 5,000 on the Scoville scale of pepper hotness. The new Naga Viper, however, measures 1,359,000 Scovilles. It was developed by researchers at Warwick University in Britain who crossed the hottest peppers in the world. The Naga Viper is so hot that it's actually dangerous to eat:
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"It's painful to eat," Fowler told the Daily Mail. "It's hot enough to strip paint." Indeed, the Daily Mail reports that defense researchers are already investigating the pepper's potential uses as a weapon.
But Fowler -- who makes customers sign a waiver declaring that they're of sound mind and body before trying a Naga Viper-based curry -- insists that consuming the fiery chili does the body good.
Link via Geekologie | Photo: Cascade News
You know who else enjoy endorphin rushes?
People who self injure.
I think I've already mentioned that eating very spiny foods gets me high, like, rubber-legs, head spins, have to look for a chair high.