Archive for December 4th, 2010

Glass Block Holiday Jello

It may look like a Rubik's cube, but this is a dessert you can make yourself -if you have the time. Despite the first paragraph of the post, this does not contain cottage cheese or vegetables, just gelatin and sweete...

The Corleone Family Mansion Is for Sale

For a year and a half, the Norton family's home on Staten Island was used to shoot scenes for the movie The Godfather. It has eight bedrooms, a pub, and an asking price of $2.9 million. The gates featured in t...

Blank Peer Reviewed Journal Article

Dennis Upper had trouble finding content to write about for his article on writer's block. You can view a larger image at the link. Be sure to read the comments by his first reviewer. Link via Volokh Conspiracyw...

Sleep Walk

In this game, you rearranging scenes to help a sleepwalking penguin make his way home safely. It gets pretty goofy at times. Link -via MonkeyfilterGame, penguin, sleepwalking...

United States of Autocomplete

What a neat idea! Type the name of each state in the US into the Google search field one at a time, and see what autocomplete suggestions come up. Then make a map of them. That's what happened at Very Small Array, wh...

Down on the Body Farm

A "body farm" is a facility for research on decomposing bodies. It can also be a training ground for criminal investigators. The fifth body farm in the US is preparing to open in Pennsylvania, which will give researchers...

Tetris Building

At first it looks as if the Tetris L block has messed up your game in this Czech building. However, upon further investigation, the block was planned to fall this way in order to keep the bottom floors of th...

House Converted from Old Fire Station Has a Fireman's Pole

A condo in the Cole Valley neighborhood of San Francisco was made from an old fire station. The pole that allowed firefighters to descend to the bottom floor is still there. It's to the right of the fireplace in th...

Snow Cats

I Can Has Cheezburger has a collection of snowmen that resemble cats you may know. This one, of course, is Simon's Cat. There are also snow replicas of Garfield, Longcat, and a reasonable facsimile of Maneki Neko (wi...

Ducks in the Wind

(YouTube link) A mother duck and twelve ducklings deal with a strong wind. This will have you on the edge of your seat, so be sure to watch through to the end. If you think this video would be better with music, the...

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