Police Mistake Horror Movie Set for Real Crime Scene, Begin Investigating

Two years ago, the horror movie New Terminal Hotel was filmed at the George Washington Hotel in Washington, Pennsylvania. A recent fire there drew firefighters, who discovered what looked like a gory crime scene in one room. They summoned the police, who in turn called in crime scene investigators. Only later did the police realize that they were looking at leftovers from a horror movie set:

Washington Police Chief J.R. Blyth thought Sunday's discovery was the most grisly murder scene in his 35 years in law enforcement. He committed several investigators to the "crime scene" -- until they realized it had been set up that way for a horror movie.[...]

"I had no idea what was going on -- blood on the floor, the mattress, the pillows, piece of a scalp with hair still attached in the center of the bed," said Blythe.

The room is on the fourth floor of the 10-story hotel on South Main Street. Vulgar words were written on the walls, along with the fake blood.

Link via Ace of Spades HQ | Image: Bull Lee Films

"The room had been left uncleaned after filming ended because the property owner wasn't sure if the movie crew would have to come back and do re-shoots."

Probably didn't intend to leave it like that for the two years, though.
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