(YouTube link)
A few days ago, Allie Brosch described in detail the confusion her dogs went through when wearing their first shoes. So you can witness that sort of thing yourself, here is Booba, a presumably normal Shi Tzu wearing his new yellow shoes. He doesn't appear to be accustomed to wearing shoes. -via Buzzfeed
There are gels for doggy paws, that supposedly create a shield against salt. Don't know how well they work tho.
Learn what real animal abuse & cruelty is before spewing off that nonsense.
This is harmless.
And for those stating that boots on paws is animal cruelty, you've never had to lift and carry your poor dog home when salt or ice have gotten between their pads. Our beagle much preferred romping through the snowy streets wearing boots to limping along with ice packed in his pads. Or are you suggesting that owners not take dogs out when it snows?