Tara Wheeler knits Doctor Who paraphernalia, especially the scarves worn by the Fourth Doctor. She's also created TARDIS socks. Since they're bigger on the inside than the outside, they have a slimming effect. At the link, you can find the pattern so you can make your own.
Link via Comics Alliance | Photo: Tara Wheeler
Though, going to Tara's website just reminds me that I haven't touch my season 16/17 scarf project in months.
@SenorMysterioso: OMG I totally agree. I'm not a big knitter (see above post) but when I show people pictures they're like "Make me one!" Then I tell them politely that I've not finished this one and the yarn alone costs about $150 per scarf and then I say hell no.
@Ratz: that is the cutest little Dalek ever. If a warped, twisted, evil, robotic shell containing a genetically engineered race hell bent on exterminating the universe can be considered "cute" of course amigurimi makes just about anything cute. :D