Severed Hand Reattached -Three Months Later

Ming Li was on her way to school when a tractor ran over her and severed her left hand. Doctors in China thought the hand could be saved, but the arm was too damaged for reattachment. So they grafted the hand to Ming's leg in to keep it alive! After three months of repair and healing, the 9-year-old's arm was judged to be ready for the hand.
Dr Hou Jianxi, spokesman for the hospital in Zhengzhou, Henan Province, said the hand had now been transplanted back on to her arm.

"When she came in, her left hand was completely severed from her body. It was very scary," he told the Zhoukou Evening Post.

"But Ming Li can now move her wrist again and her left hand is a healthy pink colour proving that the blood is circulating well."

With therapy and additional surgery, doctors believe she will be able to use the hand for most normal activities. Link -via Breakfast Links

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Aw, I can't believe how amazing that is!!!! I don't just mean medically, though the medical team must definitely have taken a chance and it I am in a good kind of wonder over this :) and as for it being mainstream, I know there are a lot of hospital soap operas and other kinds of dramas whose plots have medical miracles or breakthroughs. But this 9 year old girl having her hand re-attached just makes me think there's so much good in it. Modern medicine is great, and I think it is especially, and especially to us who haven't learned much of it, appreciated when it smacks you in the face by giving a little girl her hand back after three months of a pretty unique procedure. Sounds like the little sparks of things just working right in fairy tales. Sorry for being mushy. And I don't find it disturbing as some people have said (not on this particular article about it)
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@Anoun so csi is based off of real life like dna tests done in 15 seconds? I think you watch too many tv shows.

Its not the norm, its purely for entertainment. Comparing a tv show to real life is ridiculous.
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@Who Cares: Correct. My point is that when a procedure becomes commonplace enough that it's a plot point on a medical soap opera, it's mainstream. Kudos to the medical team, but I'm happy to see procedures such as this are becoming the norm.
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Modern medicine is amazing. A friend of mine had her hand basically severed in a car wreck; only skin was holding it on. A year and a half later, she can type and play piano again.
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