Baby Giraffe and Ostrich Playing

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This video of undetermined provenance shows a baby giraffe and an ostrich playing. At least the giraffe is playing. I'm not sure about the ostrich.

via Ace of Spades HQ

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I think that this is at the St. Louis zoo. Here is a video I found via the zoo's website. The enclosure looks similar, and there are ostriches in there as well. If it is in St. Louis, that is probably the giraffe that was born in early September.
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This looks like the Calgary Zoo, I was there in the summer and saw a young girl giraffe. She was rascally, and shared habitat with Ostriches as well as Zebras. I could be wrong tho!
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Anything that can gut me with a single kick is NOT for playing with. Its for hunting down and eating with bbq sauce. Plus I've heard ostrich eggs are pretty good on toast....
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