QR Code Cross-Stitch

Flickr user Pichu71 made a cross-stitch that depicts a QR code. She writes:

I've just fininished stitching this QR code (created online) for my brother-in-law's birthday. He is a computer/ technology freak. Could someone please read it and tell me if my "spelling" is correct as I do not own a smart phone myself.

http://www.flickr.com/photos/41868492@N07/5163653619/ via Geek Crafts | Crafter's Blog

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Thank you. I'm very happy you like the idea !
I'll tell Hatim when I give him the finished card that it was at the heart of a very interesting exchange.
I know what he'll say : "Toi vraiment, t'es une sacrée emmerdeuse"
I'm afraid he is right.
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@Pichu71: well, regardless of what we might think, we all make (and pass) judgments on aesthetic grounds. Even you, who prefer the word "different" to the word "ugly", are happy to point out French is a beautiful language (which I agree). For the record, there are several examples of ugly and absurd decisions in my own native Romanian as well (and I'm not thinking about irregular verbs and other natural particularities of the language) -- and some do have some interesting stories behind them.

Anyway, cool idea with the stitch -- and happy birthday to your brother!
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I am glad to know that you are not quick to judge.
French is a beautiful language however the absurd punctuation rules and endless lists of grammatical exceptions.
"it looks awful from a typographical point of view (which it does, no matter how you look at it)" : I do not agree with your point of view, that's all.
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@Pichu71, I'm a Romanian who speaks English, understands French and some Italian, and can get away with ordering from a German menu. I'm aware of the particularities of various languages, and am not quick to judge them.

This one however is seriously messed up -- not only that it looks awful from a typographical point of view (which it does, no matter how you look at it), but it's also an exception to their own rules (no spaces before commas and periods, but spaces before question marks, exclamation marks, colons and semicolons; also, no spaces inside brackets, but spaces inside quotation marks).

Anyway, I suspect there's a story worth telling behind these rules -- they're just too arbitrary to make sense (which, incidentally, qualifies as absurd).
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