Why Did You Buy Me That?

If you've ever received a disappointing, odd, or incomprehensible gift, you can make yourself feel better about it by checking out the blog Why Did You Buy Me That? (subtitled "a collection of the worst gifts ever received"). It might make your gift look better. If it doesn't, take a picture and submit it! Link -via Metafilter

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The description states that that deer/candelabra thingy as a gift, but why is the picture of the item in a store? Sounds like someone took a picture in the store, and made up a story to go with it.

I was hoping for more fantastic ones at the link, but most were unremarkable and just plain crap. The Elvis duck was bizarre, but nothing beat the one you showed here.
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The worst present I ever gave anyone was 10 years ago at Christmastime. I had asked my son daily for 2 months what he wanted for presents and he kept putting me off. So I bought him a helium tank and a bag of balloons. Mothers can be so cruel...
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One Christmas I gave a woman a "How to host a murder" game. Four years later she gave it back to me, still in it's original packaging. She had no idea I was the one who gave it to her. She regifted my present. How awkward...
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Oh I got an awful present last year from my husband's idiot uncle. I draw, and apparently they think that just b/c I draw, I'll like anything that has to deal with that. Even if the present is for small children. I'm 30yo, and they got me this frickin How to Draw the Disney Princesses crap.
I couldn't even fake liking the present. I just felt insulted.
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