Other planned roads in the neighborhood include streets named for "Sonic the Hedgehog," "Space Invaders" and "The Legend of Zelda."
Video games won out over more traditional options in an online poll that residents used to pick their street names, said Antonio Almudi Miranda, president of the Arcosur neighborhood association.
"We are people who grew up living with video games. We know them very well," he said. "I'm 25. I'm the same age as Mario."
Link via Nerd Bastards | Photo: CNN
For instance, "Breakfast at Tiffany's" (Desayuno con diamantes, in Spain) street is here: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=Calle+de+Desayuno+con+Diamantes,+Zaragoza,+Espa%C3%B1a&sll=41.620961,-0.922208&sspn=0.010972,0.024848&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Calle+de+Desayuno+con+Diamantes,+50019+Zaragoza,+Arag%C3%B3n,+Spain&ll=41.621955,-0.930233&spn=0.010972,0.024848&t=h&z=15
As you can see, it's close to Mary Poppins square
Anyway, I wonder if they're getting permission, since these are all registered trademarks.