The Abandoned Military Airbase at Johnston Atoll

Johnston Atoll is a US territory covering about 50 square miles of islands in the remote Pacific Ocean. From 1934 to 2003, it was under the control of the US Navy and was used as launch site for nuclear testing and super-secret experimental aircraft and who knows what else. The base was abandoned when the atoll was turned over to the US Fish and Wildlife Service. See photographs from various phases of the base's history at Urban Ghost Media.

(Image credit: Google Earth)

It was actually decommissioned after a prototype chemical weapon incinerator plant finished destroying the stockpiles of WWII era chemical weapons stored out there. I spent a year there as a young U.S. Army MP in 1994.

It was actually under the control of the US Air Force, but the army provided soldiers for physical security and to move the chemical agents from the bunkers to the incinerator plant.

Google JACADS if interested in more info.
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" A 25 acre landfill on Johnston Island holds radioactive debris from the failed 1962 nuclear test, along with chemical residue from Vietnam and sarin nerve gas from the former Soviet Union."
...and now a chemical incinerator?

Wow, this place IS a pacific paradise!
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I have a friend who has been to an abandoned naval base in the aleutian chain. he said that it was crazy, it had been built to house 6000 people complete with schools, housing, an underground olympic size swimming pool, etc. when the naval base packed up and left, they left everything and turned it over to the native population of the island, about 500 people. all of the village's services take place in the high school, including their library, village council, etc. apparently most everything else was trashed: windows smashed, the pool half full of years stagnant water, dead rats, and dozens of household appliances.
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