apologises unreservedly for the error.
There was no intention whatsoever to suggest Captain Kirk may have commanded the Galaxy Class Starships Enterprise-D and Enterprise-E.
Any damage to the Star Trek brand incurred by the use of the term "hyperspace" is regretful.
No malice was intended and a correction to the original article will be made.
We also agree that Patrick Stewart is a handsome man, a sentiment expressed by several readers.
The kicker is that, intentionally or not, there are at least nine errors in the apology. -via Metafilter
The Enterprise E wasn't a Galaxy-class starship, it was a Sovereign-class starship!
This retraction is total bullshit!
Makes me think of the start of Monty Python & the Holy Grail where they keep apologizing for the previous apologies on the credits and finally end up with the credits being done by various breeds of wonder lamas in brain-hemmoraging techo-color.