When you thought texting while driving is bad, someone out there took it up a notch. Here's the multitasking driver, who's reading a book, using a Kindle AND talking on the phone at the same time while driving on the freeway. BuzzFeed has more: Link [embedded YouTube clip]
Many years ago, while riding on the school bus, I saw my own version of the multi-tasking driver: he was shaving (yes, with shaving cream and razors) while driving.
UGH I can't stand idiot drivers!!
Unless performance is affected, it is not a Big Deal. It astounds me to no end how frigging concerned everyone is with what other people are doing.
Now, the assholes who do it when they clearly shouldn't - those who lag behind or swerve - fine, criticize the slow down or the swerving. But those people aren't "distracted" drivers, they're simply BAD drivers. a GOOD driver can drive well in a variety of adverse conditions, including in-car distraction.
I used to be able to text while driving without even looking at the screen, but since i do it so infrequently now, it actually IS a distraction, when before it wasn't because it was something I'd practiced and done a million times.
I feel the same way about drunk driving laws, in that they keep mostly honest people from ever drinking and driving, and then the one time that they do, of course they're horrible at it - they haven't had any practice.
It's symptomatic of the flaws of prohibition as the answer to anything - especially things that normal, decent people already do. We'd see less drunk driving accidents and deaths if people were compelled to take the time to get sloshed and re-learn how to drive.
It's the difference between two diametrically opposed philosophies: X is bad, so make anyone who does X a criminal, OR X is bad, so how can we reduce the impact of X, given that people are going to do it no matter what the law says? Laws never stopped anyone from doing anything, but education helps people do whatever it is they're going to do well.
The point here is not that she was doing something legal or illegal- the point is- she was being profoundly stupid and her action forever altered an innocent person's life... and- she has to live with it now, too. Whether or not it's legal has NOTHING to do with the stupidity of the action. People do it all the time and are all the time endangering someone else because of it. Of course, other life-altering accidents happen all the time that are completely unrelated to texting, multi-tasking, drinking (I can't even believe you have the gall to mention that- maybe you or someone you love will get hit by a drunk someday and feel differently; I don't wish it on you- it's a horrible price to pay). The part of education in this? I think we've all been educated... and Guess what? It hasn't stopped anything. I'm all in favor of laws that punish people who KNOW BETTER but do stupid stuff anyway and then, in the process, destroy other people's lives because of their irresponsible behavior.
I don't think this has anything at all to do with 'ooo- someone's breaking a rule'... and everything to do with crazy people driving and simultaneously doing something that endangers other people's lives. There is a reason why the laws were created to begin with.
and only when your loved ones are on the road or your kids are out playing in/near the street.
you're so ridiculous that i hope you're kidding...sadly, even if you are, there are plenty who really do think like that out there.
we should drive like every car on the road carries one of our loved ones inside...because it might.
You must not know anyone who has gotten hit by a drunk driver.
My brother, cousin and his girlfriend were hit by a drunk driver and they're all lucky to be alive with just scars to show for it. My brother walked away with a scar on his eyebrow (it was too the bone when it happened). My cousin walked away with only bumps and bruises. His girlfriend was in the hospital for 2 weeks because her face got completely messed up. She had to have 3 plastic surgeries to make her look normal again, minus the HUGE scars that were now permenantly etched on to her face.
Don't even talk about any of this crap being OK, especially drunk driving.