DIY Anti-Cheating Device

There's no context (or credit) to this image we found over at Arbroath today, so it's your job, dear Neatoramanauts, to supply the explanation. Funniest explanation wins T-shirt of your choice from the NeatoShop (may we suggest selecting one from the Science and Funny T-shirt categories?). Please remember to write your selection alongside your entry, otherwise you forfeit the prize.

Ready? Set? Go!

Update 11/8/10 - the winner: Women have finally triumphed over the Taliban, so now boys are forced to wear blinders instead of girls wearing burkas! Congrats to Wendy who go the Type Bike T-shirt!

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To cut costs, the old paper mill decided to outsource its quality assurance to the local school so it was possible for them to buy a brand new computer. The 3 most important traits to be taken into consideration and logged is transparency, abrasiveness, and flavour.

Remember: Pillage, Then Burn
Chocolate XL
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OO! Sorry


After an isolated rash of academic cheating where by all 28 students were found to have the same incorrect answers, the student whom reportedly had the original answers to the exam was given the task to find a solution to the cheating.

"I told my father and he was very upset. He works at the National Manila Folder Manufacturing Plant, and donated folders for everyone in our school"
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After an isolated rash of academic cheating where by all 28 students were found to have the same incorrect answers, the student whom reportedly had the original answers to the exam was given the task to find a solution to the cheating.

"I told my father and he was very upset. He works at the National Manila Folder Manufacturing Plant, and donated folders for everyone in our school"
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