Archive for October 28th, 2010

Entombment Technologies to Protect You from Being Buried Alive

The fear of being buried alive is an old one, and is even the origin of the phrase "saved by the bell". Annalee Newitz of io9 has a roundup of technologies developed over the years, right up to the present...

Spell Check Tattoo

Todd from Cleveland, Ohio submitted this picture of his latest tattoo to Geeky Tattoos. The only thing that could improve it is a cursor hovering over a right-click menu. Linktattoos...

The Geek Pronunciation Guide

There are many familiar terms you read on the internet, but if they came up in conversation, you might not pronounce the words the same as other people do -because you've only seen them typed! Geekosystem has a pronuncia...

Blast Boxers Protect Your Nethers from Severe Injury

BCB International sells underwear made to protect your genitals and femoral arteries from injury by explosive blasts. They're made with a double layer of Kevlar and are fire resistant. The shorts have been tested on...

Flowchart: How to Explain the Internet to a Street Urchin, Circa 1835

So, you've used a time machine to travel back to the London of 1835. You encounter Oliver, an impoverished street urchin of 12 years of age. For some reason, you've decided to explain to him what the Internet is....

T-Shirt Cannon Robot

The robot-building team at Bellarmine College Prepatory School in San Jose, California built a t-shirt cannon that can fire 200 t-shirts before reloading. It can spit them out as fast as three shirts per second. Link...

China Unveils the Fastest Computer in the World

The Tianhe-1A, which is at the National University of Defence Technology in Tianjin, is the fastest computer in the world: According to Nvidia, a technology company that supplied parts for the Chinese computer, the Ti...

Really, Really Dumb Moments in Sports

REDSKINS DOUBLE THEIR BLUNDER During the NFL draft in 1946, the Washington Redskins were giddy when they nabbed UCLA running back Cal Rossi. By pairing Rossi with star quarterback "Slingin' Sammy" Bau...

Mal and Chad's Fill in the Bubble Frenzy 10

It's once again time for the Fill in the Bubble Frenzy with boy genius Mal and his talking dog Chad! Tell us what goes in the speech bubble and win any T-shirt available in the NeatoShop -take a look around, pic...

Pet Hummingbird

(YouTube link) This young man rescued a baby hummingbird when it was attacked (by what, he doesn't say). Music by Jack Johnson. -via Cute Overload...

Pumpkin Skull

When you produce a skull every day, what are you going to do for Halloween? Noah Scalin at Skull-a-Day carved a pumpkin and found the skull inside! Link -via The Daily Whatpumpkin, skull, jackolantern...

Dawn of the Ted

[] (YouTube link) Misery Bear encounters zombie teddy bears in this Halloween offering from Chris Hayward and Nat Saunders for BBC Comedy. Not recommended for young children. -Thanks,...

Musical Style

Modern music and fashion have aways had a close relationship. ‘Ensemble: The Style of Music’ is a series of 20 posters featuring the classic outfits of some well-known musicians, from the over-the-top f...

12 Gross Candies Perfect For Trick or Treaters

Because many people wait until Halloween is only a few days away to buy candy so they aren’t tempted to snack on it before the trick or treaters arrive, I assume many of you still haven’t hit the stores to st...

Creative Reuse of Broken Skateboard Decks

Designer Beto Janz reuses broken skateboard decks to promote Ultra Skate Store in Curitiba, Brasil. The decks are left near skateboard locations around the city. They look like skulls and display contact information for...

Ninjabread Men

Ninjabread Men - $8.95Gingerbread man had no chance! He presumably met an early yet delicious demise, with the arrival of the ninjabread men from the NeatoShop: LinkSee also: More Fun and Unusual Kitchen Stuffbaking, nin...

Swimming with the Pigs and Other Strange Vacation Ideas

Forget swimming with the dolphins! Here's the better (stranger) vacation idea: swimming with pigs! Swimming with dolphins? You can go one better! Visit the paddling porcines in Big Major Cay and jump in for a dip if...

World's Largest Sushi Arrangement

Norway and China aren't two countries you'd normally associate with sushi, but here we are. Behold the world's largest sushi arrangement or moritsuke, created by Norwegian chefs in celebration of the ten millionth import...

The Snazzy Napper

Need to sleep in public but can't buy the Night Owl Sleeping Mask from the NeatoShop because it's sadly sold out? Don't close your eyes ... to this amazing new product called the Snazzy Napper. It looks like a cross betw...

Do You Want an Internet Kill Switch?

Would you agree to the government having a kill switch that shut down the Internet in the event of a malicious cyber attack?The majority of Americans do:Sixty-one percent of Americans said the President should have t...

Man Filmed Self Blowing Goat

Finally! After waiting all these years, I can use the bleating title sentence on Neatorama.And yes, you can see it in action here: Link [YouTube clip]taxidermy, goat, bagpipe...

Daft Punk's New Tron Music

Undoubtedly some of you have seen "Derezzed," the music video for TRON: LEGACY by Daft Punk that went 'round the Interweb earlier today. But if you haven't it's filled with awesome snapshots of the upcoming mov...

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