Zombie Wedding Officiated by Bruce Campbell


Psst! Wanna hear something neat? Bruce Campbell has just been ordained so this means ... zombie wedding!

Our pal Geekscape has the details:

ZomBCon, the premiere zombie convention being held this Halloween in Seattle, is announcing today that newly ordained minister Bruce Campbell will be officiating a zombie wedding at the inaugural convention. While only one couple is going to be lucky enough to be married by Campbell, he will also be officiating a mass renewal ceremony, for those zombies that didn't get to do it right the first time. He might be reading from the Necronomicon so be warned... There might be Deadite shenanigans.


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A friend of mine got a signed copy of If Chins Could Kill when it came out, and one of the more popular requests was asking him to record a voice mail greeting.
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@Omniture > he is a cult figure. Best known for his character of Ash from the Evil Dead series of movies.

Ancedote - at a book signing of his, my husband forgot to meet me there. As I was getting my book signed, I mentioned in passing about a specific chapter in the book regarding spousal communication and my husband forgetting to show up. My cell phone rang. Bruce asked if it was said husband, he then proceeded to rake my husband over the coals for forgetting.
gotta love love him for that.
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