Edible Billboard is Made out of Cheese

Here at Neatorama, we love the work of food artist Prudence Staite. We've featured her Snow White made out of apples, her Robert Pattinson made out of chocolate, and her Pope made out of pizza dough. One of her latest creations is a billboard made out of cheese. She and 13 assistants took 8 days to make this advertisement out of 10 types of British cheese.

Link | Photo: Jeff Moore

The only connection I can see between internet and cheese is linked via Speedy Gonzales there. Speedy is known for being the 'fastest mouse in the west' or something like that. So he's fast, like the internet service (supposedly), and he likes cheese because he's a mouse.

Perhaps that's it?

Either way, yeah, a big block of food in an outdoor urban area is just not a good idea.
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