6 Poisonous Foods We Still Eat

Eating food that is known to be poisonous is like playing Russian Roulette. Some people believe the thrill of flirting with death is worth the risk. Then there are those foods that we all eat, but didn't know they were poisonous -like almonds!
The poison is present only in a specific species of almond, namely the “bitter” ones, which are a broader and shorter version of the sweet almond. Although each bitter almond only contains tiny amounts of cyanide, the substance is dangerous enough that it is illegal to sell raw almonds in the US. Nowadays all almonds must be processed through heating in order to eliminate germs and render the poison harmless.


Actually, this is false: raw almonds are illegal in the US due to a few outbreaks of salmonella poisoning a few years ago, not because of the cyanide in the almonds.


I recommend reading Jared Diamond's Guns, Germs & Steel for a really fascinating look at the history of domesticated almonds.
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Absinthe is, I think, pretty much legal everywhere now. the went back and tested bottles from the 1800's and found nearly no actual worm wood.

The real deaths were from people trying to make Absinthe without uhhh Absinthe. They would use chemicals to try to make it green and cloudy

Absinthe has been frequently and incorrectly described in modern times as being hallucinogenic.

Most of the bad stuff we had associated with Absinthe was either due to unscrupulous makers of the stuff, or lies by the temperance movement.
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I'm glad someone else caught the Almond thing, it saves me the irate comment.

While Lawrence makes a good point about absinthe, and one that I agree with, he makes a small error. Absinthe is indeed toxic, it's actually rather toxic, It's not not more toxic than a comparable amount of any other source of alcohol.
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The Fugu statistic is WAY off. Since the requirement of licensing of fugu chefs (back in 1958) the death rate of people eating the fish has stayed steady around 6-7%, and that includes the amateur unlicensed chefs who serve it illegally. If it were up to licensed chefs only, the death rate would be around 1%, most likely.
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Canola oil is another product. The original rapeseed was grown in Canada for livestock, but we were able to breed it so that some of the harmful acids were low enough in content to be safe for human consumption.
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Is the question, "What do we consume on a regular basis that are poisonous if improperly prepared or taken in too large an amount?"

Off the top of my head: Mustard, Rhubarb, Salt, Liver, and the ever dangerous Dihydrogen Monoxide.
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