This amusing diagram is floating through the Internet this weekend. Do you think that you could complete the assembly process? Which tools will you need?
via Joe Carter
Oh, a sonic screwdriver would probably do it all very nicely.
I was able to find this in Model Engineer Magazine from 1986 but it is older than that as I had that tee before 1984.
The nut is called a Penrose hexigon named after the mathematician Roger Penrose in the 1950s. The bracket is also by Penrose. The earliest reference of the support I could find was from the June 1964 issue of Analog Science Fiction and Fact but I have a feeling it is older than that.
All those parts can be made out of wire exactly as they are drawn. Substitute a piece of wire for each line in the drawing. I could put it together and I would need a pliers, wire, and a wire cutter.
Hey, this is the flux-capacitor securing bracket. You need a left-handed monkey wrench and conflookter valve apparatus to install it. It is also essential that the sticky side of the paint is applied to the appropriate surfaces.
The nut is called a Penrose hexigon named after the mathematician Roger Penrose in the 1950s. The bracket is also by Penrose. The earliest reference of the support I could find was from the June 1964 issue of Analog Science Fiction and Fact but I have a feeling it is older than that.