AbeBooks.com has compiled a list of the shortest book titles in the English language. Twenty are only a single letter long, such as Andrew Lewis Conn's P.
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Literary superstars like John Berger, John Updike and Thomas Pynchon all have penned single letter titled books. Purists will be quick to say some of these titles on our list are subtitled by the words ‘A Novel’ but thousands of books are named this way and readers seem to gloss over this aspect of naming literature. Others have longer subtitles but we’re talking about titles, not subtitles.
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Brian Vaughn and Pia Guerra's epic graphic novel is actually called Y: The Last Man. The colon doesn't denote a subtitle. Although typing Y into Amazon will bring a couple of the TPBs up before anything else. So maybe I should shut up.
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I have only read a few of these but IMHO V by Pynchon is certainly the tops.
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