If global warming proponents are right, then we're all doomed and life on Earth as we know it would cease to exist - but the manner by which it will happen may surprise you. See, the words "global warming" conjure up images of a hot and scorched Earth, but the end may actually be the opposite: encased in snow and ice.
Global Warming is an event that could possibly cause melting of the polar ice caps, rising sea levels, raised temperatures, and widespread famine. These are all good reasons to not invite Global Warming to a party. What this potential catastrophe has in destructive power, it lacks in creativity. The earth will keep getting warmer and we’ll all be in trouble – pretty simple, right? Luckily, people from the future have sent a robot back in time to warn us about Global Warming: Al Gore.
Hearing ‘Global Warming’ and thinking ‘freezing to death’ would be like hearing ‘Steve Jobs’ and not thinking ‘black turtleneck’. But it’s very possible that a mass melting of the northern ice caps would send a great deal of cold water into the Gulf Stream currents – currents which take warm water into the northern hemisphere (like the UK) keeping it as habitable as it is today. Without these currents, areas like England could reach temperatures comparable to another area of the same latitude: Canada.
If global warming disrupts these currents, temperatures in these northern areas will plummet and the land might even become covered in ice. If there is enough ice, there is an increase in albeado, the reflection of sunlight off light colored surfaces. This leads to a further reduction in temperature, creating more ice and possibly a runaway, ‘snowball earth’ scenario. The only way to get out of such a hellish ice prison is to wait for volcanoes to pump out enough C02 to melt the ice. In the end, it’s pretty clear that whether it’s saving us or killing us, C02 is a massive dick.
Read about 4 more disasters that will kill all humanity in the opposite ways you'd think over at Weird Worm: Link
It's about energy, it's about resources, and it's about perpetuating both an economy of scarcity and increasing energy prices. The road is paved for luxury/shame taxes on fuels of all kinds. Who wins? Governments and oil companies. Shocking.
We're ok with $3 gas because we remember $4 gas. The old trick of "raise prices and have a sale". There was no shortage, it was simply a conditioning phase. they couldn't take gas from $2 to $3 and let it stay there - people would be pissed. They had to break our spirits with $4+ gas so that we'd be *happy* to pay $3.
Coriolis induced flows are caused both by differences in densities AND temperature.
So less salty ocean water would still circulate as it currently does (just not as much) because it will always be hotter at the equator than at the polar caps.
Once any global cooling started, the re-freeze of the polar caps would re-salinate the water, and bring the level of flow back to "normal".
Just in case what? It's hard to be cautious of something that is completely ambiguous. It's foolish to pack for a trip when you don't know where you're going.
"Why do people want to wait until that last minute of a disaster to fix anything?"
Because if it ain't broke, don't fix it, that's why.
We'll cross that bridge when we get to it. And we still aren't sure there is a bridge, or how far away it might be, or if in fact it's a ladder actually.
For years the Ozone layer would doom us all, then the global cooling fears in the 70s and then it was green house gases raising the temperatures to unlivable conditions in the 80-90s.. Now where being told it will get colder again..
Perhaps if the so called "experts" didn't change their messages, directions and scientific theories every time they change their diapers the world might take notice.
Right now, there is no consistent scientific approach or method to factually prove we have any impact on the planet environment.
As for green house gases, the exploding population of people and our feed animals (cow, pig, chicken, lamb, goat, etc) are a greater concern than all the rest combined..
Pardon my French here, but fuck the environment, we'll be our of fresh water and food long before the environment can freeze or fry us off this rock.
I hear nothing about population control, so just keep on pumping out 3.5 kids per family (multiplied by the 3-4 marriages in a lifetime ...so possibly 5-7 kids per adult male) and keep on running up the ol'enviromental flags.
Scientists are hyping their fake theories because they make HUGE money off of it - grants, etc. And people like Gore are doing the same, making MONEY spreading doom and gloom.
Climate change is logical and normal and not MAN's fault. Deal with it.
That being said, I get "fired up" enough with this ridiculous topic on my news websites, what the heck is it doing here on neatorama?
Come on neatorama, cut this crap out!