Real Or Photoshop: Amazing CGI Artwork of Girls


Art: (L) Viki Yeo (M) Olivier Ponsonnet (R) Lindsey Heyes

Advances in computer graphics have allowed movies to be shot mostly or even entirely on digital backlot (I'm looking at you, Sky Captain and Sin City) - but how about actors?

As you can see from this compilation of CG artwork over at DP Shots*, it's not inconceivable that we'd see films made entirely without human actors. It's probably the next stage in the evolution of animation.

Link - Thanks Uzair!

*Yes, it's of girls (don't worry, completely SFW) - some of the artwork are so realistic, at a glance, they can be mistaken for photos.

Previously on Neatorama: Photorealistic Rendering by Max Edwin Wahyudi | Photorealistic Vector Art

Please tell me you're exaggerating to make a point? None of those images are especially realistic for anyone who actually see human people every day. Putting the anime-inspired stylized images aside the rest are generally overglossed photoshop renderings that each one stick out like a sore thumb if compared to any kind of real life person.

However, the points you made aren't entirely far fetched (your images just doesn't really support them). We will likely see more and more movies coming out with actors computer generated with 99,9% of the viewing audience being none the wiser. There are already numerous examples where characters have been completely or partially computer generated which still blend in seamlessly with the rest of the footage. The next leap is not that far. However, since we humans are so used to seeing humans every day of our lives we are VERY discerning about what looks lifelike and what doesn't, so regardless of when a complete movie using digital actors posing as real actors comes out it needs to be done to such a perfect degree lest it spoil the entire idea. The best example I can think of right off the bat is probably Avatar, even though they were blue and had tails, and were largely mocapped.
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Yeah most of them could be real people, but only because they're so processed that you can't tell what's under the photoshop anymore. Might be a real girl, might be a 3D rendering.

The only one I had to really take a second look at is the girl in the pink turtleneck.
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There are a few good ones, but overall they are not that realistic (which wasn't the point of that article at the link anyway).

If you want more stuff like this, you should visit cgtalk, it's filled with amazing 3d and 2d art from pros. There's all kinds of art, and goes from cartoony to super realistic stuff. I'm no artist but whenever I go there I can easily waste 3 hours without realizing it. What's even better, is that you can often see the progress the artists made until they got to the final result, many of them document their work a lot, with images from early sketches to close to finished. (if it's your first time there, start with the Choice Gallery categories)
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Some of those were very good, but I have to stress some. Obviously there were a bunch that were clearly drawings not intended to take the place of real human figures, but of the ones that were, the common problems were the hair and the skin. The artists seem to have a very hard time really nailing the subtleties and imperfections because, obviously, we all want to look at perfect people. Problem is, nobody's perfect.

Most of the ones by Olivier Ponsonnet are great and Lindsey Heyes (3rd to last) and did an excellent job with the lips, though she didn't extend it to the rest of the face. But if we were giving prizes here (and I'm fully aware that we're not), the last one, by Andrius Balciunas, is brilliant! If I didn't know that whole collection was CGI, I wouldn've thought it was an actual picture with a ton of airbrushing.
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I don't know who's work these are totally safe for but looking at pics of anime chicks holding creepy bald ewoks with erections or with their shirts halfway off is not ok at my job!
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people have already noticed that a lot of those sucked inexplicably

i would like to express my undying love for nox however, if you didn't gush over his amazing piece on that page i implore you to go back and find it
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This was a pretty misleading link. Most of the images were highly sexualized representations of women and not at all SFW. I don't know if the list of images went on to display full exposure, as I finally stopped after seeing the one where a naked woman was holding a weird little monster man with a giant cock outline.

Not cool, Alex.
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"As you can see from this compilation of CG artwork over at DP Shots*, it’s not inconceivable that we’d see films made entirely without human actors. It’s probably the next stage in the evolution of animation."

Seen it. It was called Final Fantasy, and it looked better than most of these images.
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I'm offended by everything in this post.
"it’s not inconceivable that we’d see films made entirely without human actors"
Have you ever heard of Walt Disney? He made some movies without actors a while back.

Also, most of the images were crap. Have you been living in a cave, Alex?
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