Femin-Its sticky Notes - $6.45
Feminazis, er ... ladies, are you sick and tired of being oppressed by your womyn-hatin' boss or sexist colleagues? Well, strike back or at least empower your memos with the Femin-Its Sticky Notes from the NeatoShop.
Sexist pigs, er ... men, here's your chance to prove that chivalry isn't dead, it's merely in a politically correct stupor. After all, it's only $6.45 - doesn't your lady friends deserve the best, you cheap bastard?
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PS No hate mail, please. Instead, direct your righteous anger in the comment section.
In the many relationships I've been involved in and observed, the demands that women make have something akin to a half life. She wants you to eat more healthfully, maybe drink and smoke less, which don't seem unreasonable, so you comply. Next it's how often you're out and how late you're up, so you cut that back a little. Then it starts to creep into language, you know, just certain words she doesn't like, and that's no big deal. Moving on, we get to your tendency to forget to empty the dishwasher, and in what orientation the pillows should be inserted into the pillow cases, and before you know it the threshold at which you empty the litter box becomes a towering metaphor for how much you care about her and your relationship. As if you didn't just spend 2 years modifying every aspect of your behavior to her liking.
Jump on me for saying that, it's not just me. I see it in virtually every relationship. It's an extension of the idea that women get in trouble in relationships for what they do, while men get in trouble in relationships for what they *dont* do.
Well, modern feminism is just a larger manifestation of that mentality - 99% isn't enough, nor is 99.9%, nor is 99.99%. In having unattainable, arbitrary standards, their supposed victim-hood can be exploited for the purpose of manipulating others in perpetuity.
I don't think it's malicious, though; indeed, none of the women I've talked to about this were aware of it until I pointed it out.
And I don't claim to be right. This is merely what I've observed and surmised from my anecdotal observations. But one cannot dispute the ever so increasingly specific nit picking feminists seem to thrive on. Can't have an army without an enemy, you know.
As for the item: no surprise. This site never even pretended to respect women, so why not piss in the face of feminism as a whole? I mean, as long as they can go "IT'S A JOKE, SO STOP BEING OFFENDED", we have to stop being offended, right?
Agreed with both longbeachdiet and ademan.
Wow, your girlfriends sound like my boyfriend, but I don't resent him for it. He means well. If any "suggestions" he makes bother me, I reason with him instead of letting it boil over, so that it doesn't get out of hand.
As long as feminists continue to act as if an unborn child's fate is much less important than making sure girls believe that sex is a game and that they should play it all the time, the movement will never regain respectability.
Womynist #1: Pack up your rape culture and take a hike!
Jock #1: [holds up a beer] You want a brewdog?
Womynist #1: Were not interested in your penis!
Womynist #2: Wait, wait, I think hes offering us a beer. [turns to
jock, speaks slowly] Um... Yes. We, would like, a beer.
Jock #1: Okay! [turns around to get a beer]
Womynist #1: So its like, if youre nice to them, they *bring* you
Womynist #2: Exactly.
I acknowledge the presence of femi-'nazi's and man haters, but why have they become synonymous? I'm a happy feminist but it's hard to say that with the connotation of being a huge bitch.