Austin Houldsworth is an "interactive artist". He wanted to see if it was possible to speed up the fossilization process from a few million years to a few months, and built a machine that he thought might do the job. Pictured above is Houldsworth with the body of a partridge that he subjected to four months of petrification. His ultimate goal is to try it on a person:
Yes, fossilising a human being is still the ultimate aim. Regarding this experiment, the results are promising enough to continue perfecting the machine... but I never saw the machine as the final result - it has helped me to understand the many different aspects which are required for the process to occur. And subsequently I've designed a number of improvements for the machine. I believe I'll be working on this particular project for a very long time.
Link via Gizmodo | Artist's Website | Photo: We Make Money Not Art
I should be a writer for that "Dexter" show.