UAV That Uses No Wing Flaps

Britain's new DEMON unmanned aerial drone doesn't need wing elevators or ailerons to fly:

It is instead manoeuvred by hundreds of tiny jets that blast air in order to influence to change the lift, drag and other features of performance.

The result is a more streamlined, aerodynamic craft that cuts down on edges and gaps - features that can increase radar detection.

The end result is an aircraft with fewer moving parts in need of maintenance and a reduced radar signature.

Link via OhGizmo! | Photo: Cranfield University

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Just to be clear, the only planes that have elevators on the wing are those with no tail like the retired Concorde. And, those are called Elevons because they combine ailerons with the elevator. The standard elevator is typically located on the tail's horizontal stabilizer.

On the wing is typically a set of ailerons (usually on the outboard part of the wing) and sometimes flaps (usually on the inboard part of the wing). The flaps increase lift and drag and allow the airplane to fly slower. The ailerons turn the plan by banking it in one direction or the other.
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