Take Home a Twaggie

You probably know by now that Twaggies are Tweets that are so funny they've been turned into comics. Founder David Israel and artist Kiersten Essenpreis are trying to ensure the future of Twaggies with a project on Kickstarter. Make a pledge and get a gift, from a link to your site ($5) to a t-shirt ($30) to custom illustrations and even a dinner date! Link

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Here I am, about to leave yet another comment on Neatorama that's going to get me flamed into powdery ash, buuuuuuut...

Twaggie...? Really? You're going to call it that? Why not TwitWit? TwitLOL? TweetLULZ? TweetROFLZ? SweetTweets?

I could come up with a bunch more but I'm tired. I just gotta tell you, Twaggie rhymes with so many unflattering words I can't help but think a name like that would make it less appealing, knowwhutImean?
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