Are you familiar with the exploits of the Bayside Tigers from the TV show Saved by the Bell? The athletic teams were featured in many episodes. Show off your smarts (or your memory) with today's Lunchtime Quiz from mental_floss! I scored 60%, despite never having seen the show. Beat that! Link
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Hah! Nice one, KRYPTONIAN, did you take a break from playing with your action figures in your fortress of solitude to venture into the daylight like glow of the social networking world we call the inernet? They're supposed to be inane, for office monkeys who have nothing to do in their cubicles but find ways to avoid work. Just cuz you were a screech and not a zack doesn't mean the popular kids deserve to die...
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Online quizzes have always had an unprecedented level of inanity about them, but this is a new tier of stupid entirely. A high score means you should walk out into traffic right now.
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