She's Always a Woman: The John Lewis Ad

Yes, it's an advertising for UK-based department store John Lewis, but it's a particularly well-done ad about a woman's life. Featuring a song "She's Always a Woman" by Fyfe Dangerfield/originally by Billy Joel). I'm a sucker for things like this.

Take a look: hit play or go to Link [YouTube] - via Imponderables

Just got done fighting with my wife over something stupid. Watching this makes me feel incredible jerk. Now I feel like I should buy something for her. It's like they are counting on the fact that a guy will be carrying around guilt.
Stuart never cried at the end of My Girl, either. Know how I know your a robot?
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Disappointing. I was waiting for her to die at the end.

Seriously, if this made you actually cry, you may have some issues.

That's the sort of commercial that will really confuse the kids. Don't open the fridge - you'll get pregnant!
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So if I'm not moved by this, I'm heartless? I'm moved by lots of stuff. This just wasn't one of them. Maybe because it was intentionally created to try and stir your emotions with highlights of a woman's life. I just think it was a little obvious, and it didn't seem like a lot of thought or care went into it.

Remember those Korean commercials about the dying parent (I think it was a mother)? Now those were well-made.

Like I said, it's a shame it didn't end with her death. It would be even more intense an experience for you.
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It's not about you being heartless because you were not moved. It's about you being so heartless with people who were moved. You said -

Seriously, if this made you actually cry, you may have some issues.

It's one thing to say you don't like it. It's another to say those who do, those who were moved by it, "have some issues".
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Like you, I'm a sucker for commercials like this, as cheesy as they may be. They always depress me a little though because they show how short life is. To see it all pass by in a minute and half is somewhat disturbing.
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China Doll. Your Dick Cheney comment reveals a few things about your own character. Your opinion is polarized. You are not above stooping to insult and to belittle others who disagree with your opinion.

When you are called out on it, you try to hide behind the flimsy defense that YOU were taking the moral high ground.

Or was "Because his mommy never loved him" a caring and compassionate response?

Come on, China Doll, no need to be a hypocrite with someone you'll never meet in real life.
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If it makes you feel better to call me a troll, then go right ahead.

Trolls don't have opinions; they say what they need to in order to start arguments and inflame them. I was responding to China Doll's criticisms and pointing out the hypocrisy in China Doll's statements.

But, I guess it's okay for you to insult people whose opinions don't jive with your own. That's kinda sad.
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Ted, seems you totally missed the point. I am not a hypocrite. I was not saying you COULDN'T comment on someone else. I was replying to your erroneous interpretation that what I said - that you had a small coal-of-a-heart - was because you didn't like the video.
And that is NOT what I said.
I tried to explain that my comment was based not on your likes or dislikes but on your comment which clearly said that people who liked the video have problems. THAT was heartless.
I hope this makes it clear now.
Just in case -
You said 1. You didn't like the video and 2. Everyone who cried has issues.
I said you were heartless.
You ASSUMED I meant you were heartless because you weren't moved.
I explained you were heartless because you said people who cried have issues.
I NEVER condemned what you said. I never said you couldn't say it.
I just said your heart must be a tiny speck of coal because you can't begin to empathize with people who DID like it.
No hypocrisy there.
I also never claimed to be taking a higher moral ground.
I really don't know where you get all of this other stuff from - why you feel the need to go on the war path. I assume it must be a kind of knee-jerk reaction because of some deep-set bitterness.
Maybe some of those Korean videos will help calm you down, Ted.
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