Sibling Dental Odyssey

(YouTube link)

A brother and sister had their wisdom teeth removed on the same day. Lucky for us, mom was armed with a camera for the ride home! -via Bits and Pieces

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Here's the description of the video for everyone freaking out over parents embarassing the kids.

"Me and my brother coming home from getting our wisdom teeth taken out. He wouldn't stop talking and i was stoned out of my mind. haha"

So yeah, the sister is the one that posted it. I'm sure the brother is probably getting crap about it since he's the one doing most of the chatting and such, but the mother isn't the one that posted the video for the world to see.
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I don't even Remember the ride home after i got my wisdom teeth out. I just remember that whatever they gave me made it so I couldn't pee and I felt like I was gonna explode until whatever drug they gave me wore off.
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Kinda sad parents are now posting their kids most embarrassing moments online. In the future, I hope the kids have enough sense to send the therapy bills to mom and dad.
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