Does the UN Have an Ambassador Assigned to Talk to Aliens?

Initial news reports indicated that the United Nations Office of Outer Space Affairs had designated Mazlan Othman, a Malaysian astrophysicist, to make first contact with any aliens that arrive at Earth. Dr. Othman asserts that this report completely misunderstood her role at the UN:

Othman sent the paper an e-mail saying, "It sounds really cool but I have to deny it." She will be attending a conference next week, but she'll be talking about how the world deals with "near-Earth objects."

If aliens were to arrive in Earth orbit, who do you think should make first contact?

Link via Sci Fi Wire | Image: Fox

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the muzzys already control the UN, and they already pray to a meteorite at meccca, just seems like the right choice to me. and if those darn aliens will not submit, then jihad it is.
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I second Raf's suggestion at 4:17am, or perhaps Sarah Palin.

In either case, if that doesn't scare them off, it will surely convince them that there is no intelligent life on Earth.
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