Archive for September 26th, 2010

6 Romantic Movie Gestures That Could Get You Prison Time

C. Coville of Cracked has a list of six romantic scenes in movies that, if people actually carried them out, would probably lead to a few years in the pokey. Such as running through an airport, bypassing securi...

Solution to Stolen Street Signs: Give Streets Boring Names

McIntosh County, Georgia is spending $17,000 a year replacing about 550 street signs that are repeatedly stolen. So County Commissioner Mark Douglas proposes that the county government give streets boring names to disco...

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Tumblers

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Tumblers - $29.95 (set of 4)Enjoy your next feast with glass tumblers inspired by Leonardo, Michelangelo, Donatello and Raphael from the NeatoShop. The Renaissance artists? Well, close. We me...

Pepper Spray Ring

This questionable self-defense product is called "The Stunning Ring". It contains a stinging powder that can be ejected using a latch on the side: The spray causes inflammation of the eye capillaries and all other mu...

Dalek Found in School

School children at the West Exe Learning Centre in Exeter, UK, discovered a deactivated Dalek in their school. Manager Sue Willey did not restore it, but prudently called the police: The value of the Dalek is not kno...

Frank Miller Illustrates History

Cartoonist Caldwell Tanner imagined historical events and figures as though they had been illustrated by comic book artist Frank Miller. The above scene is from October 31, 1517, and Protestant reformer Martin Luthe...

Enormous Logan's Run LEGO Diorama

LEGO artist Keith Goldman crafted an enormous diorama of scenes from the City of 1976 movie Logan's Run. Above, a Sandman kills a Runner who's unwilling to accept Lastday. You can view 15 more pictures at...

Boxed Avengers

Photo: Nikejerk3 [Flickr]What's more awesome than superhero costumes for Halloween? How about these Cubeecraft'd Avengers (made for Dragon*Con 2010). Here's the Boxed Avengers by Jared Cain over at Fashionably Geek: Link...

Glo Balls

Hostess is teaming up with DC Comics to promote superhero-themed snack food, and Brenda of Geektress noticed something ... well, wrong:"Glo Balls," on the other hand, bring up images of irradiated...

The Walking Dead Trailer

Hollywood has done a lot of zombies before, but I wager that this is going to be awesome: an original TV series (by AMC - whaaat? Yes, AMC) called The Walking Dead.Forces of Geek has the trailer, which includes some nift...

Which is Better: Virtual Reality or Actual Reality?

Pixelated Geek blog posed an intriguing question: if you could live in a Virtual Reality world, would you be better off than living in the real one?He was under the opinion that a VR (Virtual Reality) world would be...

Amazing Sailor Moon Bento Box

We've covered quite a few bento box creations before on Neatorama, but never one quite as fantastic as this one. Behold the Sailor Moon bento box (from a bento box competition - no sane person would do one that detailed...

88-Day Camouflaged Stake-Out in Japan to Catch ... Illegal Trash Dumpers

Is that a Japanese Special Forces troop covertly monitoring nefarious terrorist activity? Well, not exactly. It's all about catching illegal trash dumpers: When they find an illegal dumping site, they send a stakeout...

Beautiful and Deadly Carnivorous Plants

Photo: Olga SytinaThey're beautiful yet deadly ... if you're insects, that is. Dark Roasted Blend has a nice gallery (as always) of some of nature's most gorgeous carnivorous plants. This one above is the sundew:Anot...

The Best and Worst Family Feud Answers Ever

What are the best and worst answers on Family Feud? Survey says that Miss Cellania has got the list!Question: Name something packrats have a hard time throwing out. #1 Answer: PhotosWorst Answer: CornQuesti...

The Airplane Helmet Kissing Scene in Iron Man 2 Explained

What's up with the airplane helmet kissing scene in Iron Man 2 ads? You know, where Tony Stark asked Pepper for a kiss and she kissed his helmet instead?Well, this Alternate Opening scene should explain the reason why (a...

Yuto Miyawaza, 10 Year-Old Guitar Prodigy

Yuto Miyawaza started playing guitar since he was three and loves Ozzy Ozbourne, so naturally he's a rock star at the tender age of 10. Here's his rendition of Ozzy's Crazy Train at Ellen Show (taken when he was 9). Watc...

The Many Faces of Spock

Being a fan of the classic Star Trek series, it's only logical that Ramsey Sibaja drew an homage of Spock re-imagined as various iconic characters:This is a homage and at the same time a parody of sorts for all us Sp...

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