Orange Candle

A candle made out of an orange? I think I'd like to try this. The ingredients are things you probably have around the house now, and the instructions are so simple they are related almost completely in photographs at Snowhite Blog. Link -Thanks, Kittens Pet Team!

Huh. I've tried to make olive oil 'lamps' before, but this solves the problem of how to keep the wick steady without badly-rigged wires. Off to find an orange...
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OK, but why oranges in particular? By the time I got to the last picture I could think of loads of things in my house to use to make the candle without wasting a perfectly good orange.
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I think it's because the rind is squishy and can hold up the match. Perhaps we should think of it as a way to use the rind after squeezing the juice for something else?
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You need a real wick or maybe dip your thread into hot wax a few times to give it some stiffness and burning power. A match will light once but not twice.

And it's much better to mix some stearine in with the wax. It's easy to set up a wick using a long needle that fits across both edges of whatever you are using to hold the wax.

Oh, and it might be good to wax the outide of the peel, too. Might help the peel stay fresh a day or two. Otherwise, it's gonna look ugly quickly.

Burning oils is dangerous and the smell is not attractive.
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